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5 Minute Advice For Authors with Gregg Brown Strategies to Lead Effective Change with Gregg Brown | 5 Minute Advice For Authors - I was recently invited to share my insights on Twin Flames Studios‘ 5 Minute Advice For Authors podcast. In this episode you’ll learn: Key insights from Spark Action My tips ...
To Be Future-Ready, Sometimes You Need To Be Unfocused To Be Future-Ready, Sometimes You Need To Be Unfocused - Happy Summer! I don’t know about you, but in my part of the world, it has been hot, hot, hot! The beginning of July was the perfect time to get ...
One Good Thing To Build Your Future-Ready Routine - Welcome to One Good Thing: a 60-second read to help you spark action and be future ready. Navigating the future can be very overwhelming, and to make this easier, build a future-ready routine for yourself. ...
The Must Have Future-Ready Leadership Skill - On the weekend, I was reflecting on a news article I read a few weeks ago, that said over 50% of the world will be going through political elections this ...
Organizational Leadership and the Future of Work - I was recently a guest on Calan Breckon‘s podcast, where we talked about about organizational leadership and the future of work, including: How to harness the power of AI while ...
Forget about Best Practice. Find the Right Practice. - Welcome to One Good Thing: a 60-second read to help you spark action and be future ready. You’ve probably heard people say, “We need to find the best practice for this!” or “What’s the ...
Getting Work To Work with Chris Martin | GWTW776: Change Is The Future with Gregg Brown - How prepared are you for the future of work and the role of AI? I recently joined Chris Martin on the Getting Work To Work podcast to talk about what it takes ...
Stop Convincing and Start Engaging to Build a Future-Ready Culture - How is it May already?! Here’s what’s up this month: The first is my new Speaking Reel, which I launched last week. After spending so much time working on this, it’s great to ...
One Good Thing to Build Future-Ready Teams - Welcome to One Good Thing: a 60-second read to help you spark action and be future ready. In this month’s edition, here’s One Good Thing to help you align and build future ready ...