Stop Convincing and Start Engaging to Build a Future-Ready Culture

How is it May already?!

Here’s what’s up this month:

The first is my new Speaking Reel, which I launched last week. After spending so much time working on this, it’s great to finally have it out in the world. I hope you’ll check it out! (Make sure you watch till the end for the outtakes.)

Getting Work To Work: Change Is The Future

How prepared are you for the future of work and the role of AI? I recently joined Chris Martin on the Getting Work To Work podcast to talk about what it takes to get future-ready.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Critical thinking and decision-making in the age of AI.
  • Bringing your own brand of magic to your work.
  • Shedding your corporate skin.
  • What change looks like in the middle of your career.
  • The importance of taking action.

Thank you to Chris for having me on the show and for a great conversation!

Listen here.

Stop Convincing and Start Engaging


I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard people say, “I really need to sell them on this idea!” (Full disclosure: I’ve said this, too.)

But you know what? There’s a much more effective way to get things done.

Check out this video for a 60-second tip to help you take action and become future-ready by shifting from a “selling” mindset to an engagement mindset.

An inspiring evening with the King’s Trust Canada

Volunteering has been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember, and one of the organizations I’m proud to volunteer with is The King’s Trust Canada

With youth unemployment at an all time high, the King’s Trust focuses on helping youth to break through barriers to gain the skills, experience, and networks they need to secure stable job opportunities and establish careers in key sectors.

At a recent event I got to talk to Ariana to my left and Tuoyo to my right! These two are incredible young people, and it was so inspiring to see all they’ve done so far. I can’t wait to see where they are going next!

If you’re interested in participating in some capacity, being a partner employer, or if you know of a youth who may benefit from these programs, check out the site here.

Feel free to share this newsletter or pieces of it that are relevant to your colleagues.

Have a great May!