Building a Future-Ready Culture with a Little Help from AI

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “artificial intelligence“?

Do you think of generative AI tools like ChatGPT? Do you think of robots taking over the world, like some bleak science fiction movie? Or do you think of something more mundane that you interact with everyday, like autocorrect?

Love it or hate it, AI is here to stay.

AI has become so embedded into our daily lives that most of us probably don’t even notice that we’re using it! Things like Alexa, Siri, voice dictation, and spellcheck are all examples of AI tools we’ve come to rely on.

And yes, there are many valid reasons to be skeptical and critical of AI, but when used strategically, it can be an extremely useful tool in helping future-ready leaders manage change. Here’s how:

1. Making accurate predictions. You can’t see into the future, but by mining data sets, AI can identify patterns and make predictions.

2. Saving mental energy. Experiencing mental fatigue from decision making? AI can help take that load off your shoulders.

3. Minimizing complexities. Using AI to perform a full analysis based on your inputs is another way to lighten your mental load.

4. Elevating efficiencies. Your time and your team’s time is valuable. Using AI to automate routine tasks can give you some of that time back to focus on the really important things.

Check out this article to read more about my thoughts on the intersection of AI and change.

Build a Future-Ready Culture by Turning Worries Into Risks

To build a future-ready culture, you need to take bold action in the face of uncertainty. So how can you do that without giving into worries?

Check out this video for a 60-second tip to help you take action by converting worries into risks.

Relationships At Work: Lighting the Spark to Leading Change That Matters

Speaking of risk management, this is something that I talked about with Russel Lolacher on the Relationships At Work podcast.

We also talked about why someone would need to spark action in the workplace, the importance of getting a Ph.D. in yourself, how to address naysayers to change, and more! Listen here.

Thank you for reading and supporting my work!

Happy April!