The first few weeks of 2021: A simple exercise that you can do to make a difference.
Out for a walk on the weekend, I was thinking about the last few days. Name-calling and labeling people as “us vs them” or “left vs right” (or whatever you or I would like to substitute) rarely works. Has it ever worked in your organization or family?
Probably not. Hasn’t in mine.
And guess what, as we’ve seen recently, it doesn’t work in politics either. While people have some shared values that you may believe are right or wrong, people are much more complex than any labels you put on them. We know at work when influencing or negotiating that trying to find the middle or common ground works better than labels or name-calling. This works in our personal lives as well.
Here’s a simple practice you can try at work and at home this week:
When you catch yourself trying to fit someone into a box, remind yourself about how you feel when you are labeled a certain way. I know I dislike it! Yes, certain things can make us angry, but taking a step back, removing the label you may have put on, and not jumping to conclusions can help you move through these days as we all balance the need to be informed with the need to maintain peace in our world that we have influence over.
As a reminder, you already know this!
Good luck! Wish me luck, as I’m consciously doing this practice as well. (A side note, labeling and name-calling are the same online as in person.) #hope #leadership #bettertogether
How to Lead and Work through the Pandemic: 5 Leaders… 5 Questions
Late in 2020, I reached out to 5 leaders who I admire and asked them 5 questions about how they’ve survived, thrived, and supported others and themselves through the pandemic. These leaders come from a mix of private business and government.
Whether you have the formal title of ‘leader’ or not, I’m sure you’ll find their responses interesting, warm-hearted, and useful! (If you’d like to be a part of the next round, shoot me an email
Each month, you’ll see one leader profiled. I hope you will learn as much as I have from their responses. You will notice techniques that you already do well and hopefully a nugget or two that you can incorporate into your ‘work’ toolbox.
I had the experience to work with Jim as I was leading a virtual session for members of Synergy Solutions Group, where Jim is also the Managing Partner. He’s a busy guy! Jim’s knowledge, warmth, the way he engaged with the team, and most of all his commitment to provide a valuable experience to the members in the context of the pandemic, made me want to know more. (Jim is clearly an over-achiever as he answered 6 questions for us!)
1. What is a daily ritual you have done to stay focused throughout the pandemic?
21 Books to Make Your Life Better in 2021!
For those of you that like lists, this one is holistic and includes business books, personal development, finance, relationships, and others. I’ve read a number on this list.
Happy January! #BeChangeReady