3 Future Ready Leader Tips and Owning Your Own Brand of Magic

Happy March! Can you believe that daylight saving time is back already in parts of North America and spring is just around the corner?

Maybe it’s because we often refer to the time change as springing forward, or maybe it’s because spring is the season of rebirth and renewal, but this time of year always makes me think about the future. So what better time to start thinking about getting future-ready?

Do you want to know what the future of work will be?

Of course you do! We all want to know what’s on the horizon. But that’s not something any of us can predict – not even me! What we can do is look for the road signs to guide us along the way – and focus on ways to make you, your teams, and your organization future ready for whatever comes up.

In all of my research and discussions over the last few years, I’ve noticed several key trends that can provide some insights. Here are three tips to help you on your journey to future-readiness:

1. Evaluate the role of technology in your workplace. Are there repetitive tasks that can be automated? Is there a role for artificial intelligence in your organization? Technology can’t replace the human touch, but it may help to enhance the work of your teams and boost productivity.

2. Be aware of the changing economic landscape. The last few years have seen the rise of the gig economy, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. Consider why workers are often choosing this route, and what your organization can do to adapt.

3. Recognize shifting societal expectations. Do your employees have remote or hybrid work options? Does your organization prioritize diversity and equity? These are important considerations for every business and leader.

Read the full article here.

New Podcast: Future-Readiness, Intentions, and Owning Your Own Brand of Magic


Recently I was invited to be a guest on “Let’s Think This Through with Bailey Parnell,” a bi-weekly video podcast aimed at those passionate about self-improvement and learning.

Bailey and I talked about everything under the sun, including:

  • My experiences working with prisoners and teaching sexual health to nuns.
  • The difference between being change-ready and being future-ready.
  • How understanding intent can lead to better dialogue and change.
  • My responses to four real and fantastical scenarios about an upcoming change.

Thanks to Bailey for inviting me on! I had a lot of fun, and I hope you’ll enjoy it! Let’s Think This Through is available wherever you find your podcasts, or tune in here.

2024 Workshop Offerings

Are you looking for practical strategies and actionable insights to help you lead future-ready teams and organizations?

My workshops are designed to give leaders and their teams the tools to lead change and thrive in the future of work. Each workshop can be adapted to various lengths of time with in-person or virtual delivery. Learn more here.

Thank you for reading and allowing me to share my work with you every month!

Here’s to a beautiful spring!