Have you ever noticed that nearly every job description contains phrases like, “Can handle a fast-paced and changing environment”, or “able to work with others when given shifting priorities”? That’s …
Change Management: What to Do When Priorities Change
Have you ever had a list of priorities in which everything was a priority? It’s happened to a lot of us. We get our task list together, pour our coffee, …
Change Management: 6 Things You Shouldn’t Say, and 6 Things You Should
There’s one clear fact that any successful business must accept: change happens. Although the concept of change might be exciting, the actual execution of your change strategy can be challenging. …
Change Management: What’s the Impact on Me (WIOM)?
Comparing the “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) approach with a “what’s the impact on me?” (WIOM) approach.
Stay Sane This Holiday Season with These Change Management Tips
As the holidays approach, many people feel the weight of just how busy this time can be. While the holidays are meant for a time to relax, unwind, celebrate, and …
The first step in change management: Become aware of your own BS.
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Post” _builder_version=”3.0.78″ background_layout=”light” border_style=”solid”] In the workplace, it’s common to feel like you deal with a lot of BS (bulls**t – just in case you aren’t aware …
Urgency vs. Agency: Getting Commitment to Your Change Agenda
Kim Barnes has been a mentor of mine for over 11 years. Her deep insight into how people function has helped her craft excellent programs that I’ve delivered for many …
Should We Eliminate Negativity at Work? Not Quite!
Everyone wants to be happy at work! We spend a good chunk of our lives there. Yet this goal doesn’t mean that we need to eliminate negativity from our work …
Tips from Change Management Experts
A few months ago, I had the privilege of being interviewed for this article: “13 Change Management Experts Share Their 3 Tips on Implementing Fast, Dramatic and Powerful Change.” I …
Using Solution-Focused Techniques to Move Through Change
It’s really easy during change to stay focused on problem-based thinking. You do want to solve the problem – yet you also want to take a solution-focused approach so that …